Chemical Solutions & Process Systems

Are you looking for help that goes beyond equipment?
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At De Dietrich Process Systems, we provide a full spectrum of support, from process optimization to complete turnkey systems.


  • Superior knowledge of core equipment and materials
  • Critical components manufactured in-house
  • Expedited engineering with the ability to scale support equipment
  • Basic to complete front-end engineering
  • Scope of project flexibility
  • Test facilities for material demonstrations
  • DDPS project management from concept through start-up
  • Project scale from laboratory to production
  • Modular designs vs. stick-building on-site

Supported Technologies

  • Reactor Systems
  • Filtration and Drying Systems
  • Solids Handling Systems
  • Acid / Solvent Concentration and Recovery
  • Distillation and Extraction
  • Process Optimization

Our Integrated Systems team can design, engineer and build a safe and reliable system that meets your unique process requirements, schedule and budget. Our diverse in-house product offering combined with our engineering services provide you with the expertise and management needed to develop and materialize a solution for the entire lifecycle of your product.

Our capabilities focus on three areas of expertise: Preliminary design and process development to aid customers in defining project parameters and solving production challenges; Integrating key equipment to peripheral components to help lock down expenditures and ensure proper sizing, and; Process solutions based on existing knowledge or developed in our test facilities.

Engineering Services & Project Management

De Dietrich Process Systems has a unique combination of products and process knowledge to design, engineer and build process systems for a large variety of applications. Experienced engineers are devoted to all stages of your project lifecycle, from the initial inquiry and preliminary engineering up to the commissioning, installation and start-up of the plant at your site. Streamlined project management and communication ensures schedule and budget control without impacting system integrity.


  • Our integrated systems project lifecycle consists of:
  • Preliminary / Basic Engineering
  • Process Development / Testing Facilities
  • Detail Engineering
  • Procurement
  • Construction
  • Installation and Start-up
  • Commissioning
  • Ongoing Support


  • Preliminary analysis allows you to better define the overall project economy prior to large commitments
  • Rental equipment and in-house testing capabilities aid to prove process feasibility without major capital expense
  • Single point contact simplifies communication 
  • Decreased demand on your internal resources

Integrating Unit Operations

Utilizing our core equipment, DDPS will work with your process objectives in mind to integrate process utilities, instrumentation, controls and other peripheral equipment to create a customized process solution. Covering many unit operations, our wide range of process technologies, auxiliary equipment and services provide process versatility and reliability. Whether your goals are to increase throughput and yield, or improve uptime or containment, we will help you select the best material of construction and system arrangement to meet your specific needs.


  • Lower engineering cost with equipment design and operation expertise
  • In-house manufacturing of critical components facilitates schedule and budget control
  • DDPS experience ensures confidence in auxiliary equipment integration, with hundreds of installations realized
  • Modular construction saves time and space




  • Mixing  
  • Heat transfer  
  • Distillation / Evaporation  
  • Extraction  
  • Filtration  
  • Drying

Auxiliary/ Peripherals:

  • Temperature Control Modules / Chillers  
  • Instrumentation / Controls  
  • Vacuum Systems  
  • Vapor & Solvent Recovery  
  • Containment  
  • Solids transfer / Handling


  • Skids/ Modular Construction  
  • Installation support  
  • Site Validation support

Process Solutions

DDPS offers unmatched process engineering solutions from problem solving existing processes, developing new processes, and/or incorporating DDPS patented processes to your facility.  Many of our proven process technologies focus on proprietary knowledge of our materials of construction and core equipment capabilities. Test facilities and rental equipment facilitate process development with highly corrosive materials, or actual customer feed streams, to confirm not just feasibility and optimization, but safety and reliability.  The project’s scope can vary to meet your requirements, with involvement of local project management and installation as well as global experts for process start-up and commissioning.


  • Sustainable solutions for feed material recovery/ waste reduction
  • Ability to prove process technology (pilot / test facilities / rental equipment)
  • Proven technology (references) / warrantied solutions
  • Support from test to commissioning



Process Technologies:

  • Mineral Acid (Sulfuric / Nitric) removal / recovery / concentration/dilution
  • Halide (Bromine) removal / recovery  
  • CBD Isolate
  • Pre-Engineered Systems

Process Development/ Optimization

  • Test facilities  
  • Preliminary process designs
  • Rental Equipment
Questions? We are here to help.
If you'd like to talk with a sales representative about purchasing De Dietrich Process Systems's products and services, you can reach us here.
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