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SIC Heat Exchangers Assembled and Dispatched in India

28 March 2024
In a landmark achievement for the thermal management and process engineering industries in India, we are proud to announce the successful assembly and dispatch of five Silicon Carbide (SIC) Heat Exchangers on March 27th, 2024. This marks the first occasion such advanced thermal solutions have been manufactured domestically, showcasing our commitment to innovation, quality, and the development of local capabilities in high-tech manufacturing.

Collaboration with Mainz Team


This milestone was made possible through the invaluable support and expertise provided by our Mainz team. Their rigorous training and continuous support have been instrumental in achieving this success. The collaboration underscores our commitment to leveraging global knowledge to enhance local manufacturing capabilities, setting new standards for excellence in the industry.

Market Potential and Current Opportunities


The potential for SIC heat exchangers in India is substantial, driven by the country's growing industrial sector and the increasing need for efficient, corrosion-resistant thermal management solutions. Our team has actively quoted multiple companies, reflecting the robust interest in our advanced heat exchanger technology. Furthermore, several inquiries are in the final stages of negotiation, indicating a strong market demand and the potential for significant growth in the near future.

Highlighting De Dietrich Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers


Our De Dietrich Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers are at the forefront of this technological advancement. Designed with borosilicate glass 3.3 or Silicon Carbide (SiC) tubes, these heat exchangers offer unparalleled corrosion resistance, making them suitable for a wide array of industrial processes, including:

  • Condensation: Optimal for applications where one side requires corrosion resistance.
  • Heat Transfer: Ideal for processes needing corrosion resistance on both sides.
  • Cooling/Heating: Designed for scenarios where one side requires corrosion resistance.

These heat exchangers are engineered to process highly corrosive substances efficiently within the temperature range of -20 to 150°C and pressure conditions from -1 to +6 barg. For applications outside these standard parameters, we offer customized engineering solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Custom-Engineered Solutions


Understanding the diverse needs of the industrial sector, we specialize in providing custom-engineered solutions tailored to the unique requirements of our clients. Our team is equipped to design and manufacture heat exchangers that align with specific operational parameters, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.



As we celebrate this significant achievement, we look forward to contributing further to India's industrial growth with our cutting-edge solutions and expertise in heat exchanger technology. For more information or to discuss your specific requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us or download our SIC Exchanger documentation below.

We are committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and supporting our clients in achieving unparalleled operational efficiency and reliability.

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