Pharma & Green Solutions

Engineering for pharmaceuticals and green chemistry
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With the Pharma & Green Solutions engineering service, De Dietrich Process Systems provides its customers with process knowledge and field experience of equipment, leveraging equipment designed by the group and its partners for high quality service.
Pharma Green Solutions
  • API
  • Intermediate
  • Plant-based chemistry
  • Waste Recycling
  • Complete engineering solutions
  • Technology testing and validation
  • Commissioning


The expertise of PGS engineers will transform your ideas into success

Specializing in comprehensive engineering solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, we seamlessly transform your ideas into reality through cutting-edge design, precision engineering, and meticulous installation & commissioning services. 

Elevate your pharmaceutical projects with PGS, where expertise meets innovation.

Design (BED) Engineering (Feed) Installation & commissioning
  • Define the right process:    PFD, P&ID
  • Conduct technical trials
  • Validate feasibility
  • Estimate the cost and timing  of the project
  • Apply the HAZOP method
  • Check layout constraints
  • Specify equipment and    removables (process and utilities)
  • Size piping and electrical wiring
  • Conduct EIA studies    (FDA 21CFR part 11)
  • Build, install and manage the project
  • FAT and SAT protocols
  • IQ and OQ protocols
  • Make production more reliable


Solutions tailored to your needs


De Dietrich Process Systems has been involved in many different projects around the world. We can draw on this experience to help you find the right solution for your needs.

After assessing the possible options, our teams will advise you of the advantages and disadvantages of the processes to be implemented and will guide you on the installation that will conform to your constraints.

And if no standard equipment is suitable, the full power of the De Dietrich Process Systems group can be called upon to innovate with you and develop the right technology.

Our Strengths


  1. Pharma & Green: Strong specialisation in the group’s historical activities: pharmaceutical industry, green chemistry, chemical recycling
  2. Expertise: A dedicated team of engineers supported by the group’s experts in equipment and process
  3. Services: A comprehensive, flexible and tailormade engineering service to suit each organization
  4. Technology: Mastery of a wide range of cuttingedge technologies, from the group or from partners, supported by concrete field
  5. experience
  6. Reliability: The commitment of high quality expertise and process knowledge guides you in your choices
  7. Proximity: Dedicated teams in Europe and around the world, close to your needs and your teams



High Purity API

Soxhlet extraction and concentration of high purity ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry.

Complete project:
Utilities, equipment, CIP, control system, GMP documentation (URS/FS, FAT, SAT, IQ, OQ)

Location: Germany

Treatment Of Asbestos Waste

Neutralisation and recovery of asbestos waste by chemical means.
New pilot unit installed on an industrial wasteland.

Complete project:
Design, installation and commissioning of the treatment unit.

Location: France

Production Of Antibiotics

Feasibility and specification of an antibiotic concentration process.
Technical solution in accordance with the fragility of the product.

Sizing, installation, commissioning

Location: Spain

Questions? We are here to help.
If you'd like to talk with a sales representative about purchasing De Dietrich Process Systems's products and services, you can reach us here.
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