Vegetal Solid - Liquid Extraction

Vegetal Solid - Liquid Extraction allows soluble components to be removed from solids using a solvent. Our Multipurpose plants are used to extract and further purify flavors, fragrances, active ingredients from any kind of biomass such as leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, barks, gum, ...
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Extraction can be performed using any mixture of solvent, from conventional petrochemical ones to new generation of green solvent, in various conditions of pressure and temperature.




  • Made to measure units to meet specific customers needs
  • Integration of out-sourced solutions for unique and flawless system
  • Complete range of technologies adapted to every kind of raw material and processes
  • Agitated filtering bottom extractor offers "All-in-One" operations, high polyvalence and efficiency


  • Complete range of extraction technologies and arrangements available: agitated reactors, static extractors, continuous systems, agitated with filtering bottom extractors
  • Our agitated extractor with filtering bottom allows "all in one" operations: extraction under reflux, solid-liquid separation, washings, drying of spent material (solvent recovery)
  • Raw material can be processed in small particles size inducing large exchanges surfaces and short diffusion paths for fastest and most complete extraction
  • Automatic loading of raw material and spent material discharge, in contained systems
  • Possibility of full automation with process parameters recording and recipes management
  • Seamless integration of auxiliary equipment: vacuum skid, heating/cooling skid, transfer pumps, piping, frameworks…
  • From miniplants to large scale production unit
  • Complete Turnkey units with rebuilding on site, commissioning and training


  • Continuous research on innovating extraction technologies: pressurized fluids (sub-critical water), extraction assisted by microwaves/ultrasounds, continuous solid/liquid extractors ..

Which kind of industry can use this product?
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