Extend the life of your bottom outlet valves by having it serviced or repaired by De Dietrich Process Systems.
Our Service Centers, De Dietrich Process Systems in Hungary and Switzerland, will guarantee you a fast and careful intervention at attractive prices.
Our service range from simple overhaul with replacement of wearing parts to upgrading with the latest technologies such as for example the flat seat to minimize retention or the addition of limit switches.
Our company offers wide variety of services like sales, installation and commissioning activity of new equipment and also refurbishment and maintenance of equipment which may be used or available at customer sites to cover all the process applications in use.
In the region, for our trained and experienced Field Technicians, it is no challenge the refurbishment and maintenance of legacy equipment or the repair of them with bespoke made De Dietrich spare parts.
- Tantalum plugs
- Tantalum or PTFE sleeves
- Glass-lined adapted patches
- Special adapted repairs solutions

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Observed damage on outlet nozzle

Preparation of damaged area

View of outside damaged area

Internal double Tantale sleeve installed

Expert field welding
We can delegate qualified welders for perform replacement of nozzles, half coils and welding repair of support system so as to be able to place Tantalum patches.