Complete Retrofitting
We are able to refurbish and update your old vessel to be in compliance with current standards, and issue you a "like new" piece of equipment!
Apart from reglassing alone we can:
- Add or remove nozzles
- Change your old finger baffle, or baffle with Tantalum pit, with our modern Beavertail baffle with thermoprobe integrated
- Replace the outlet nozzle with a blockflange
- Replace your old drive unit with a MDL one in compliance with your Atex zones.
- Upgrade you inner vessel by adding OptiMix baffles and free-up one or two nozzles on the top head.
- Change the support system
- Replace the jacket when needed
- Fully or partially insulate your vessel
- Optimize your agitation in terms of heat exchanges, power consumption, special mixing dedication
- Add CIP devices
- Add instrumentation...