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Neutralisation and valorisation of asbestos waste

The DDWR process (De Dietrich Waste Recycling) is part of a clean eco-industrial approach, it avoids the use of landfill in waste storage centres (ICPE) or plasma torch vitrification. It opens a new path for the conversion of asbestos waste through viable and competitive know-how.



The principle of the DDWR process is based on the transformation, by attacking the asbestos waste with an acidic solution, under low and controlled temperatures. Highly environmentally friendly by-products are produced by this process and they can be reused in various industrial sectors.

The DDWR process provides a complete and definitive solution to asbestos problems based on two components: neutralization and recovery




Neutralisation of asbestos


The principle of this process consists in attacking asbestos waste according to an appropriate physico-chemical protocol, including an aqueous solution of an acidic nature and additives:

  •         In a few hours
  •         At specifically defined low temperatures,
  •         No release of toxic gases.

The Treatment Units safely sort, crush and neutralize asbestos waste by immersion in a reactor previously filled with acid and operating at a constant and controlled low temperature.

A set of sensors allows to monitor and control all the steps of the process. The data collected by the sensors are stored for neutralisation control and waste traceability.


Valuation of asbestos


  • In addition to neutralizing asbestos waste, the DDWR process allows, in the second stage, the extraction of by-products from the acid treatment, mainly silicon, anhydrite and magnesium. Silicon is the main reagent for the manufacture of zeolites (depolluting materials and industrial catalysts). Anhydrite is an essential additive in the cement manufacturing chain and a major asset enabling cement manufacturers to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by using it as a source of decarbonated calcium. Magnesium is the material of the future for the transport industry (lighter than aluminium).
  • All the main components of asbestos are thus recovered by the manufacture of functional materials that can be used in various industrial fields (petrochemical industry, transport industry, cement plant, agriculture,...). These functional materials are non-toxic and therefore environmentally friendly. From an economic point of view, the DDWR process therefore generates two sources of income, those from the disposal of asbestos waste and those from the sale of by-products from this waste.

This new treatment of asbestos waste is therefore part of a circular economy from the asbestos removal phase to the recovery of co-products. 

Industrial Property: Patent Portfolio

Efficient and secure, the process is scientifically recognized, socially necessary and economically viable.

After 8 years of R&D studies, it is a clearly accomplished innovation, combined with our know-how to implement our process on an industrial scale, it confirms the validity of the markets through our international framework agreements.
The patents, held by Black Asbestos Ltd, are an important asset, the portfolio covers several families of patents, including those protecting a fixed and mobile asbestos neutralisation system and the components of the system.

Some patents have been granted by the European Office and others are in progress. Monitoring and management are carried out by the Industrial Property Attorneys' Office CASSIOPI).



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