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Ceramic Valves

De Dietrich Process Systems partners with NGK CHEMITECH to offer to its customer a new range of ceramic valves.
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VD Ceramic Valve
VE Ceramic Valve
Based on many years of experience and success, NGK produces corrosion resistant valves that are widely used in increasingly advanced and diverse industries.



  • Excellent corrosion resistance

    Ceramic valves exhibit excellent corrosion resistance to most acids and solvents, except hydrofluoric acid. (Not applicable to alkaline solutions.) In addition, there is no pitting corrosion or crevice corrosion that can occur in corrosion resistant metals such as titanium.

  • Excellent durability

    Since ceramics for the chemical industry is a dense material that does not allow liquid permeation.It does not cause blistering or swelling which is a common problem with resin or fluoroplastic valves and provides stable sealing performance and excellent durability. 

  • High sealing performance

    NGK's VE type Ceramic plug valve has an unique valve seat and gland seal mechanism which provides excellent sealing performance. 

Product Lineup

Ceramic Diaphragm Valve Type VD

The body is made of high-strength ceramic with a metal cover and is the most proven corrosion resistant valve in the industries with vast supply records.
Since the flow rate is almost proportional to the degree of opening, it is ideal to use as a automatic valve for flow control. In addition, the bonnet can be replaced while the valve body is installed in the piping.

Application examples

Use in a wide range of lines, such as flow control of corrosive liquid


Ceramic plug valve (Concentric plug type) VE type

Straight flow valve with low valve resistance. The wetted part is a combination of ceramics and fluoroplastic, which provides excellent corrosion resistance. The valve seat is made of ceramic plug and fluoroplastic seat for smooth opening and closing and secure sealing to fluid. The face-to-face distance conforms to ISO standards and is compact.

Application examples

Use in permeable chemical and vacuum lines such as medical and agricultural chemical synthesis plants, dewatering plants, etc.


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