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Powder Blender

In a cylindrical vessel with a flat base, an agitator with a unique profile provides a full, constant and efficient mixing of the entire product.
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Powder Blender
The Guedu® mixing agitator creates a vortex motion which creates 3 separate mixing effects on the product: division, separation by thin layer and dispersion effects. Charging is done from the top. Discharge is done either through a manual or automatic side discharge door or valve.

The Guedu® mixing agitator creates a vortex motion which creates 3 separate mixing effects on the product: division, separation by thin layer and dispersion effects. Charging is done from the top. Discharge is done either through a manual or automatic side discharge door or valve.

The base of the vessel and the underside of the agitator are completely flat. The unit is built with minimal clearance between the vessel and agitator; to allow full discharge of the product with minimal carry-over between batches.

The construction avoids all dead spaces :

  • Agitator profile adapted to suit the product type (solid, liquid, paste)
  • Discharge door flush to the inside vessel wall
  • Spray ring for product wetting or full wash-in-place

Depending on the device size, the product and the desired efficiency, one or more high-speed lump breakers are installed. Lump breakers can be either side-mounted (through the vessel wall) or top-mounted (retractable device fitted on top of the vessel).

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