Glass-Lines Filter / Driver
When equipment made of high quality steel or alloy C-22 do not satisfy the expectations anymore, the application of enamel coating is the ideal solution.
Certain agents, intermediates and extracts make complex demands on the processes of filtration/drying, whether by corrosive effects on the ambiance or by high sensibility against metals, contamination or temperature. In the meantime, it is necessary to guarantee the efficiency of each production stage as well as the demanded quality of the product. These conditions can lead to the fact that plants made from high quality steel or alloy C-22 do not satisfy the expectations anymore. The application of the material enamel as surface protection is an ideal solution.
The glass-lined parts of the plant can also be furnished with devices in nickel-based alloys, nickel-free metals or special plastic materials. De Dietrich® also offers the possibility to furnish the glass-lined filtration and drying systems with a completely nickel-free product space. This flexibility assures that every single plant can be adapted to the client’s demands regarding the area of application, the product characteristic and the production process.

De Dietrich offers under the brand Rosenmund® glass-lined systems of filtration and drying. These plants are designed for the execution of challenging production processes. As a premium alternative to product solutions in nickel-based alloys, these systems offer a very good cost/performance ratio and shorter times for delivery. The glass-lined parts of the plant can also be furnished with devices in nickel-based alloys, nickel-free metals or special plastic materials. De Dietrich also offers the possibility to furnish the glass-lined filtration and drying systems with a completely nickel-free product space. This flexibility assures that every single plant can be adapted to the client’s demands regarding the area of application, the product characteristic and the production process.
The surfaces and components in contact with the product are covered with the high quality steel-enamel DD3009.
The enamel quality DD3009 is exclusively fabricated by De Dietrich®. This specification is distinguished by a very large constancy against high corrosive media, as well as against abrasion and offers a large spectrum of application regarding operating temperature and pressure. The low roughness of the surface of enamel allows the user a cleaning of the vessel on CIP-level. Thereby the danger of mixing product-batches and residua is decreased (Cross-Contamination).
Glass-lined Rosenmund®-plants offer an excellent cost/performance ratio and are an attractive alternative to filter/dryers in alloy C-22. They allow efficient filtration and drying processes as well as fast product changes. We also implement these glass-lined plants for the separation of highly corrosive solid/liquid media.
Prof. Dr. Kleomenis Barlos, President, CBL Patras SA, Patras/Greece
Area of application glass-lined filter/dryer: solid/liquid separation of peptides and corrosive intermediate
Benefits of the Glass-lined Filter / Dryer
The Glass-Lined Filter / Dryer rangeprovides the following benefits:
High constancy against highly corrosive medias and abrasion
Suitable for sensible products against metals, contamination or temperature
Large area of application due to operating temperature and pressure
Advantageous alternative to equipment in alloys C-22
Lower investment costs
High profitability
Available with nickel-free product-space
High flexibility regarding area of application
- Heated Rosenmund® S-blade agitator
- Sample valve
- Clean Seal for ideal discharge
- Gas Knife for complete discharge of the product
- Easy Clean for manual cleaning without stopping the containment
- WIP-device for efficient cleaning of the inner vessel and dust filter
- Different control options
- Containment-Systems

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