El filtro de bolsillo para laboratorio realiza demostraciones y pruebas rápidas y seguras de filtración, lavado y secado.
Adecuado para su instalación sobre una mesa
Smarter, more cost effective scale-up choice
The Pocket Filter performs fast, safe demonstrations and tests of filtration, washing and drying.

Offered in a convenient, portable version
Available for sale or short-term rental, our team can conduct trials with you, perform initial experiments, and help analyze the results.

Test filtration, washing and drying
Suited for table top installation, Make smarter, more cost effective, scale-up choices.
- Filtration tests
Examine the effect on your filtration rate (and therefore your batch time) and cake depth at varying pressures and different types of filter media, such as cloth versus sintered metal, or micron rating.
- Washing tests
Demonstrate the relative efficiencies of displacement versus reslurry washing.
- Drying tests
Measure the feasibility of vacuum and pressure gas drying while circulating hot fluid throughout the jacket.
- Process Optimization
Test data are frequently the basis for process improvements. Determining the optimum solution on the bench-top is far easier than in the midst of a full-scale production campaign!
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Our teams are ready to help you!
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