Evaporador Rotatorio
La solución QVF® ROTADEST para:
La evaporación de disolvente
La cristalización
El secado de suspensiones, polvos o granulados
Diversas reacciones químicas en la fase líquida
Zonas EX
Matraces de evaporación de 50 y 100 l
Special benefits of the QVF® ROTADEST
- Low vacuum due to high performance mechanical PTFE/ceramic-seal and certified glass flange system
- Mechanical PTFE-seal for slight overpressure or low vacuum
- Exclusive use of corrosion resistant materials as borosilicate glass 3.3 and PTFE for all components being in contact with the product
- FDA-Materials certificates for surfaces in contact with product
- Robust drive unit for the rotary sphere
- Condensation section suited to the process
- Proper observability of the processes
- Reliable and sustainable industrial construction
- Simple operation
- Ex-Protected version available
Ventajas especiales del QVF® ROTADEST
Unidad de accionamiento robusta para la esfera giratoria. Sección de condensación adaptada al proceso, observabilidad adecuada de los procesos. Disponible versión con protección Ex
Bajo vacío gracias al sello mecánico de PTFE de alto rendimiento y al sistema de brida de vidrio certificado. Cierre mecánico de PTFE para ligera sobrepresión o bajo vacío.
Uso exclusivo de materiales resistentes a la corrosión como vidrio de borosilicato 3.3 y PTFE para todos los componentes en contacto con el producto. Certificados FDA-Materiales para las superficies en contacto con el producto
Robusta unidad de accionamiento para la esfera giratoria. Construcción industrial fiable y sostenible. Funcionamiento sencillo
QVF® ROTADEST solution for solvent evaporation, crystallization, drying of suspensions, powders or granulates, various chemical reactions in the liquid phase or Ex-rated areas

QVF Rotadest highlights
The most universal solution for gentle and efficient evaporation
Rotary evaporators are mainly used to evaporate light boiling components under normal pressure or vacuum. When used in pilot plant and small scale production they are also suitable for semi-continuous evaporation. They are characterized by providing a gentle thermal treatment for temperature-sensitive mediums and provide a higher evaporation rate as non-stirred glass distillation flasks. Compared to other evaporation processes the unique process feature of rotary evaporators is their ability to evaporate all volatile media providing at the end a dry product in the flask.
The process conditions are limited by the maximum temperature of the heating bath ( max. ~ 160°C) , the temperature of the cooling liquid (e.g. ~ 15°C tap water) for the condenser and the vacuum generator ( e.g.~10mbar).
The QVF® ROTADEST can be supplied for EX-rated areas up to zone 1 IIB.
The liquid to be processed in the rotary evaporator is either charged batch wise by gravity, by a pump or sucked-in by vacuum into the evaporation flask.
The liquid to be processed in the rotary evaporator is either charged batch wise by gravity, by a pump or sucked-in by vacuum into the evaporation flask. During the evaporation process further feed can be added by means of a pump, gravity or by the operating vacuum through the PTFE-hose passing the rotating shaft and ending in the spherical vessel. The rotating sphere is half way rotating through the liquid in a heating bath filled with water or another suitable liquid heating fluid. The bath is heated by means of electrical heating elements and can be lowered to immediately stop the evaporation process.
The rotation of the sphere which is flanged to the geared motor ensures an effective mixing of the product inside the vessel and wets the complete inner surface of the sphere, increasing the evaporation surface, therefore increasing the evaporation rate and hence shortening the evaporation time.
The components with the lower boiling point are evaporated in the rotating sphere first.Their vapours flow through a sleeve shaft integrated in the drive and enter the condenser assembly. The vapours are condensed and optionally cooled in an distillate cooler before being captured in a final distillate receiver.
- Most universal type of evaporator
- Gentle evaporation due to film evaporation
- Evaporation down to the dry product
- Reducing foam generation due to reduced bubbling
- Avoiding hazardous bumping boiling
- Reliable industrial design

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