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QVF® SUPRA-Line P-Series

The alternative to stainless steel couplings.
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P-Series -Plastic couplings
Flange rings and couplings resistant to corrosive atmosphere containing e.g. HCl or Chlorine

Plastic flange ring and insert

Plastic flange ring

Field of Application

  • Increased resistance to e.g. HCl/Cl2 containg atmosphere
  • Less earthening works in no EX-rated areas
  • Good value solution for DIN-EN connections

Whereas nuts and bolts can be exchanged without taking out the glass component the replacement of a flange ring requires the extraction of a glass component. Hence, in case the glass system is installed in a place where stainless steel corrodes the plastic coupling is the alternative. The P-Series coupling ring is made of glass fibre enforced thermosetting plastic. The pitch hole circle is according to DIN-EN (except DN15) and hence not compatible with QVF SUPRA-coupling ring (except DN15, DN200 and DN300).

If technically possible the plastic rings replace the stainless steel rings in the QVF SUPRA-Line P-Series. Wherever this is not possible the stainless steel surfaces are PU-coated.

The operating conditions of the QVF SUPRA glass items are according to our catalog "The World of QVF". The plastic couplings of the P-Series should only be insulated up to a product temperature of 150°C.

Main Components

  • Plastic couplings up to DN300
  • Bellows up to DN300
  • Valves up to DN50

Plastic couplings conneting various glass systems

Plastic flange couplings for different glass systems

Metal couplings conneting various glass systems

Metal flange couplings for different glass systems

Plastic Couplings

  • Couplings  SL/SL and WPR/SL
  • Couplings SL/SL with adapted bolt lengths
  • Couplings for bellows

Technical Specification:

  • Plastic coupling rings
  • PU-coated stainless steel flange rings
  • Couplings compatible with the QVF SUPRA-Line glass flange
  • Pitch hole circle according to DIN-EN
  • Couplings equipped with coil type springs

Plastic connection to metal DIN-flanges

Plastic flange connection to DIN-flange



  • Glass-Glass
  • Glass-EN1092 PN10
  • Glass-ANSI 150 psi


Bellow Standard P-Series



  • Straight through/angle valves DN15-DN50
  • Drain valves DN15-DN50
  • Vent valves DN15-DN40
  • 3-Way valves DN15-DN50
  • Non-return flaps DN25-DN50
  • Bottom take off valves  DN25 and DN50
Straight Through Valve Standard and P-Series


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