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Vacuum Evaporation
Extracts obtained in our solid-liquid extraction units can be concentrated by evaporating the excess of solvent.
Concentrated extracts can then be easily transported and stored, and used for further processing.
In turn, the solvent recovered during evaporation can be reused for extraction process, or shall be regenerated in a distillation column.
- A wide range of evaporators technologies available, from simple kettle reboilers to thin-film evaporators
- GMP design for food/pharma industries
- Complete range of vaporization technologies: horizontal kettle reboilers, thermosyphon boilers, climbing film, falling films and thin film evaporators
- Forced circulation falling film for temperature sensitive products: short contact time, high evaporation rate and low tendency for fouling
- Thin-film evaporators for processing viscous solutions in a gentle way
- Vacuum operations with simple liquid ring pumps for average vacuum level, or any combination of dry/lubricated pumping systems
- Heating fluids range from by steam, pressurized hot water or thermal oil skids, up to 300ºC for high boiling point liquids
- Demister systems on vapor-liquid separators
- Multiple evaporation stages arrangement
- From miniplants to several tons/h of evaporation rate in large scale industrial units

- We have experience in waste gas treatment: absorption and recovery of volatile organic components VOC as e.g. solvents.
Which kind of industry can use this product?
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If you'd like to talk with a sales representative about purchasing De Dietrich Process Systems's products and services, you can reach us here.
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