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Monobloc agitators
This range of agitators, covered with our DD3009 enamel, is dedicated to reactors featuring a large opening (AE and CE reactors)
Impeller Agitator
The Impeller is an universal agitator giving a radial flow.
Having three curved blades, it works between 50 and 200 RPM.
Anchor Agitator
The Anchor is an agitator specially used in viscous products and to increase the heat transfer. Its shape is adapted to the reactor. Low rotation speeds, from 20 to 80 RPM.
Turbine Agitator
The Turbine is specifically adapted for dispersion reactions. Having three to six welded blades, it can work up to 500 RPM.
Frame Agitator
The Frame can be used for homogenization on a large range of viscosity.

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