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Double Conical Dryers

The double conical dryer type SR (glass lined or in stainless steel) is a device that was designed for drying easily flowing products.
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Double Conical Dryers
The rotation of the double cone allows the product to be mixed without an internal agitator.

Field proven and reliable: the Dryer principle.

A proven concept

The design of the double conical dryer combines the drying and mixing function in one simple and stable device. The operation and maintenance costs are very low. The drying times are reduced to an acceptable level. As a result, this concept provides a simple solution for many drying requirements.

The advantages of a glass lined coating

The characteristics of the glass lined coating provide special solutions for numerous processes:

  • Anti-corrosion, when the dry solution is not chemically neutral.
  • Fire polished and non-sticking, greatly reducing of eliminating the tendency of solids to stick to vessel wall.
  • Zero-contamination for products that require a 100% metal-free contact.
  • Easy cleaning for API.

Various options

  • Adjustable lump breakers (choppers) for materials that tend to become lumpy.
  • Insulation and special coating.
  • Heated cover to prevent condensation.
  • "Clean room" version with minimised dead zones and remote control for filling, emptying and cleaning functions.
  • Stainless steel design available.

Important advantages at a glance

  • Functional design.
  • Simple operation.
  • Problem-free cleaning.
  • Low operating costs.
  • Wide range of options.
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A number of small scale trial units are available for rental, for trials either at your site or in the De Dietrich Process Systems trial lab
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