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Pack-Off Station

The contained way to package powders up to OEB 5
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pack Off station inner view OEB 5
Pack Off Station crimp continuous liner
Pack off station with continuous liner

The Pack-Off Station is specially designed to provide a high level of containment
when discharging and packaging powders into drums,
from Dryers and Filter / Dryers.

This system ensures optimum safety and quality control for toxic or powdery substances (eg: fine chemicals or HPAPI) during the manufacturing, cleaning and maintenance stages.

Containment is suitable for OEB 4 or OEB 5 applications.


 <1 µg/m3

Proven continuous liner bagging solution.
Crimp system maintains containment during bag changes.

crimp on continuous liner


<0,2 µg/m3

Mixed solution:
continuous liner &
customized glove box.

drum in glove box for OEB5


  • Safe, contained management of toxic powders (API and HPAPI) or fine powders
  • Protection of operators
  • For ATEX zone (dust and gas)
  • Maintains clean work environment
  • Product protection from humidity and oxygen if required
  • Fast, accurate drum dispensing
Pack off with drum in glovebox OEB5

Advantages of Pack-Off by De Dietrich Process Systems

  • Customized design adapted to target protection level, up to OEB 5 (<0.2 μg/m3)
    • without isolator up to OEB 4 (<1μg/m3)
  • For dry or wet powder
  • SMEPAC tests to demonstrate compliance with target exposure levels
  • Complies with ATEX directive and FDA regulations
  • Ergonomic
  • Integration with other equipment, including Dryers and Filter / Dryers

Available in a compact, mobile “Baby Pack-off” version

baby pack off station mobile small scale and liner

Integrated line Filtration / Drying / Packaging

The integration of functions into a single production line improves ergonomics, containment and the efficiency of all stages.

  • Preparation
  • Dosage
  • CIP in line with the Dryer or Filter / Dryer
  • Central automatic management
automation on pack off with filter dryer
pack off sur 3 étages
Questions? We are here to help.
If you'd like to talk with a sales representative about purchasing De Dietrich Process Systems's products and services, you can reach us here.
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