Module B, Condenser Part

This module is the complete condenser part in which the condensate is condensed and collected. It essentially consists of a condenser with or without an after-cooler, one or two recipients, the connecting pipes, including the necessary fixing as well as a vacuum connection.
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The condenser part is supported by a console attached to the housing. Condenser parts have already been designed and delivered in a variety of different models to cater to the special desires of the user. However, experience has shown that a wide field of application is covered by the varieties described below.

They all have product feeding, concentrate and distillation extraction, connections to cooling water and vacuum as well as a ventilation and pressure measurement connection.

Condenser Option 1

This condenser arrangement with integral spherical receiver has single vacuum, venting and drain connections fitted with valves. The vacuum connections is equipped with a bellows via tee-piece for connection to both vacuum pump and pressure gauge. There is also a facility for filling and suction emptying the rotating flask. This arrangement is supported by means of a bracket fixed to the cabinet.
Rotary film evaporators incorporating this type of condenser arrangement are suitable for continuous operation at atmospheric pressure or batch operation under vacuum.

Condenser Option 2

This version has the same principal as option 1 but utilises a standard condenser. This system is fitted with two spherical receivers, therefore allowing one to be exchanged, enabling continuous operation under vacuum as well as atmospheric pressure. The vacuum connection in this system is fitted with the bellows unit.

Condenser Option 3

This system incorporating a combined condense and product cooler was developed for particularly high performance cooling and continuous operation under vacuum. A rising condenser and a flooded secondary product cooler ensure otimum cooling of the condensate. The exchangeable receivers also provided, permit continuous operation under vacuum as well as atmospheric pressure. The flooding of the lower cooler is achieved by means of an overflow.

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